An old selection of selection of resources on Mr Casteneda's 07 control google site - some links now defunct
7.1.1 Discuss a range of control systems.
A variety of control systems should be examined such as automatic doors, heating systems, taxi meters, elevators, washing machines, process control, device drivers, domestic robots, GPS systems: pocket GPS world, howstuffworks (GPS), traffic lights and other common devices.
Technical knowledge of specific systems is not expected but students should be able to analyse a specified system.
AIM Develop an appreciation of the possibilities for control systems with developments in computer systems.
7.1.2 Outline the uses of microprocessors and sensor input in control systems.
These should be related to the examples suggested above.
7.1.3 Evaluate different input devices for the collection of data in specified situations.
Scenarios will be based on familiar situations to students.
7.1.4 Explain the relationship between a sensor, the processor and an output transducer.
Technical hardware details are not expected.
7.1.5 Describe the role of feedback in a control system.
LINK Connecting computational thinking and program design.
7.1.6 Discuss the social impacts and ethical considerations associated with the use
of embedded systems.
S/E For example, tagging prisoners, surveillance, CCTV, improved safety systems.
7.1.7 Compare a centrally controlled system with a distributed system.
Technical hardware details are not expected.
7.1.8 Outline the role of autonomous agents acting within a larger system.
Features of autonomous control agents:
Reactive: autonomous agent senses the environment and makes decisions based on the measurements
Autonomy: autonomous agent activates alone for a task / is not invoked for a task / selects the task itself / operates without human supervision
Persistence: autonomous agent is a programmed device and the software describing an agent runs continuously
Sociality: autonomous agent can interact with other agents (sensors/acuators/other comoputer systems) through communication / it can work in coordination and cooperation with other agents;
An autonomous agent is a computational system that acquires sensory data from its environment and decides by itself how to relate the external stimulus to its behaviors in order to attain certain goals. []
Technical hardware details are not expected.