Group4 project

B—biology C—chemistry P—physics D—design technology CS—computer scienc

Model A: Mixed subject groups and one topic

Schools may adopt mixed subject groups and choose one common topic. The number of groups will
depend on the number of students.

Model B: Mixed subject groups adopting more than one topic

Schools with large numbers of students may choose to do more than one topic.

Model C: Single subject groups

For schools opting for single subject groups with one or more topics

Model D: Collaboration with another school

The collaborative model is open to any school. To this end, the IB will provide an electronic collaboration
board on the OCC where schools can post their project ideas and invite collaboration from another school.
This could range from merely sharing evaluations for a common topic to a full-scale collaborative venture at
all stages.

For schools with few Diploma Programme students or schools with cer tificate students, it is possible to
work with non-Diploma Programme or non-group 4 students or under take the project once ever y two
years. However, these schools are encouraged to collaborate with another school. This strategy is also
recommended for individual students who may not have participated in the project, for example, through
illness or because they have transferred to a new school where the project has already taken place.


The 10 hours that the IB recommends be allocated to the project may be spread over a number of weeks.
The distribution of these hours needs to be taken into account when selecting the optimum time to carry
out the project. However, it is possible for a group to dedicate a period of time exclusively to project work if all/most other school work is suspended.


Assessment of group 4 project

The group 4 project is to be assessed for the personal skills criterion only.

Level / Mark Aspect1 - self motivation and perserverance Aspect2 - working within a team Aspect 3 - self-reflection
Complete /2 Approaches the project with self-motivation and follows it through to completion Collaborates and communicates in a group situation and integrates the view of others Shows a thorough awareness of own strengths and weaknesses and gives thoughtful consideration to their learning experience
Partial /1 Completes the project but sometimes lack self-motivation Exchanges some views but requires guidance to collaborate with others Shows limited awareness of own strengths and weaknesses and gives some consideration to their learning experience
Not at all /0 Lack perserverance and motivation Makes little or no attempt to collaborate in a group situation Shows no awareness of own strengths and weaknesses and gives some no to their learning experience