""" Program: square_function this program defines the function square and uses it """ from turtle import * def square(): color("blue","light blue") begin_fill(); for i in range(4): forward(100) left(90) end_fill() penup() goto(-150,150) pendown() square() """ TASK 1 Uncomment this code to draw two more squares """ #penup() #goto(0,150) #pendown() #square() #penup() #goto(150,150) #pendown() #square() """ TASK 2: try to use square_length and square_color_length functions you will need to copy them into the code area above these comments def square_length(length): color("red","gold") begin_fill(); for i in range(4): forward(length) left(90) end_fill() square_length(70) def square_color_length(length, line_color, fill_color): color(line_color,fill_color) begin_fill(); for i in range(4): forward(length) left(90) end_fill() square_color_length(40,"orange","yellow") """ """ TASK 3: try to write and use a function for a drawing a triangle. """