GCSE Energy quiz - by J Catchpole

Energy Transfer

1.) What is the SI (metric) unit of energy?





2.) Some forms of energy are known as stored energy because they do not do any work. Which of the following is NOT a form of stored energy?

Gravitational Potential Energy.

Elastic Potential Energy.

Electrical Energy.

Chemical Energy.

3.) What is the main type of energy that an ice skater has when spinning over the same spot at high speed?

Sound Energy.

Chemical Energy.

Potential Energy.

Kinetic Energy.

4.) What is the main energy change, taking place in the microphone of a tape recorder?

Sound Energy to Electrical Energy.

Electrical Energy to Chemical Energy.

Electrical Energy to Sound Energy.

Chemical Energy to Electrical Energy.

5.) Which of the following is NOT designed to convert kinetic energy into electrical energy?

A Loudspeaker.

A Bicycle Dynamo.

A Power Station Generator.

A Wind Turbine and Generator.

6.) What energy changes are involved when you talk on the telephone?

Sound Energy -> Thermal Energy -> Sound Energy.

Sound Energy -> Chemical Energy -> Electrical Energy.

Sound Energy -> Electrical Energy -> Sound Energy.

Sound Energy -> Kinetic Energy -> Potential Energy.

7.) What are the energy changes involved in the generation of electricity from a hydroelectric power station?

Electrical Energy -> Kinetic Energy -> Potential Energy.

Potential Energy -> Kinetic Energy -> Electrical Energy.

Potential Energy -> Electrical Energy -> Kinetic Energy.

Kinetic Energy -> Potential Energy -> Electrical Energy.

8.) The diagram shows identical springs being stretched by different forces. Which spring contains the greatest elastic potential energy?





9.) The diagram shows some of the energy changes that occur in a steam engine. What type of energy is labelled 'X' and 'Y'?

X - Thermal, Y - Chemical.

X - Chemical, Y - Kinetic.

X - Kinetic, Y - Thermal.

X - Thermal, Y - Kinetic.

10.) The diagram shows a reservoir used for storing water for use in a hydroelectric power station. What type of energy does the water have at the position labelled 'X'?

Elastic Potential Energy.

Wave Energy.

Kinetic Energy.

Gravitational Potential Energy.

11.) Study the diagram carefully. When a hydroelectric power station requires water for its generators, the water will flow down the pipeline. What form of energy does the water have at the point labelled 'Y'?

Gravitational Potential Energy.

Kinetic Energy.

Elastic Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy.

Gravitational Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy.

12.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about energy types?

Nuclear energy is released from nuclear reactions.

Radiant heat energy is given out by hot objects as infrared.

Elastic potential energy is possessed by anything which can fall.

Chemical energy is a form of stored energy, such as food, fuels and batteries.

Conservation of Energy

13.) What does the law of conservation of energy state?

Energy cannot be made or destroyed, but it can be changed from one form to another.

Energy can be created or destroyed, but it cannot be changed from one form to another.

Energy cannot be made or destroyed, nor can it be changed from one form to another.

Energy can be created or destroyed, and it can be changed from one form to another.

14.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about energy?

Energy is only useful when it is converted from one form to another.

All energy transfers involve some losses.

Wasted energy is mostly dissipated as heat and sound.

The more energy that is wasted, the more efficient the device is.

15.) The diagram shows some of the energy wasted when electricity is transferred from a battery to a motor. What does 'X' represent?

Potential Energy.

Light Energy.

Thermal Energy.

Elastic Energy.

16.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about the efficiency of machines?

A machine is a device which turns one type of energy into another.

A device can be more than 100% efficient.

No device can be 100% efficient.

Efficiency can be calculated by dividing the 'Energy output' by the 'Energy Input'.

17.) An electric winch uses 5,000J of energy to lift up a heavy object. If the object gains 3,000J of potential energy, what is the efficiency of the winch?





18.) An electric kettle has 180,000J of energy supplied to it and it gives out 9,000J of heat to the room. What is the efficiency of the kettle?





Work Done and Power

19.) When a force moves an object, energy is transferred and work is done. What is the SI (metric) unit of work?





20.) A man lifts a 53N box a distance of 25m. How much work does he do, lifting the box?

78 J.

28 J.

1325 J.

2.12 J.

21.) What is power measured in?

Joules (Joule = Energy transferred).

Watts (1 Watt = 1 Joule of energy transferred per second).

Amperes (1 Amp = 1 Coulomb of charge per seond).

Volts (Volt = Energy transfered per coulomb)

22.) A light bulb transfers 18KJ of energy in 5 minutes (300 seconds). What power rating does the bulb have?

60 Watt.

3.6 Watt.

0.06 Watt.

3600 Watt.

K.E. and P.E.

23.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about kinetic energy?

Anything which is moving has kinetic energy.

The kinetic energy of something depends on its height.

The kinetic energy of something depends on its mass.

The kinetic energy of something depends on its speed.

24.) A body having a mass of 15Kg travels at a velocity of 30m/s. What is its kinetic energy?

6750 Joules.

225 Joules.

45 Joules.

2 Joules.

25.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about gravitational potential energy?

Gravitational potential energy is due to height.

The gravitational potential energy of something depends on its mass.

The gravitational potential energy of something depends on its height.

The gravitational potential energy of something depends on its speed.

26.) A car at a scrap yard is raised to a height of 18m. If it gains 270KJ of potential energy, what is its mass? (assume g is 10N/kg)





27.) A person with mass 54Kg runs upstairs in 12 seconds. If the vertical height of the stairs is 9m, what is the power output of the person? (assume g is 10N/kg)

405 Watts.

40.5 Watts.

486 Watts.

4860 Watts.

28.) A ball falls from the top of a building. The statements show, in order, the ball's gravitational potential energy and its kinetic energy as it falls; which statement is incorrect? (assume air resistance has little effect)

P.E. = 6000J, K.E. = 0J.

P.E. = 4000J, K.E. = 2000J.

P.E. = 3000J, K.E. = 4000J.

P.E. = 0J, K.E. = 6000J.

29.) A ball is dropped from a cliff which is 26.5 metres above the sea. If the acceleration due to gravity is 10m/s², at what velocity will the ball hit the water? Assume that there are no energy losses and that all the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy. (HARD QUESTION)





30.) A ball is dropped from a height of 2 metres above the ground. Just after the first bounce, 25% of the energy has dissipated in the bounce. What height will the ball reach after the first bounce?

0.5 metres.

1.0 metres.

1.5 metres.

2 metres.

Heat Transfer

31.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about heat energy?

Heat energy causes gas and liquid molecules to move around faster.

Heat energy causes particles in solids to vibrate more rapidly.

When particles move faster, it shows up as a rise in temperature.

If there is a difference in temperature between two places, then no heat will flow between them.

32.) There are three (or four) different methods of heat transfer. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

Nuclear Radiation.



Heat Radiation.

33.) When energy is supplied to a substance, it often causes the temperature to rise. The particles of which the substance is made then have more kinetic energy. What happens to the internal energy of the substance in this instance? (This is an IB question!)

It stays the same.

It decreases.

It increases.

It increases temporarily then falls.

34.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about evaporation?

Heat is lost through evaporation.

The hottest particles near the surface of a liquid move fast enough to break free from the liquid and evaporate.

Slower, cooler particles left behind, lowers the average energy of the particles in the liquid.

The cooler liquid takes in heat from its surroundings, thereby heating whatever it is in contact with.


35.) Conduction is where vibrating particles gradually pass on some of their extra vibration energy to neighbouring particles. This process continues until all the heat energy is distributed throughout the solid. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Energy always flows from areas of low, to areas of high temperature.

Gasses conduct only when molecules collide, making them very poor conductors.

Non metal solids and liquids are poor conductors.

Metals contain free electrons that transfer energy quickly from one part of the metal to another.

36.) John steps with bare feet onto a wool rug. He then steps onto a tiled floor. Why does the tiled floor feel colder than the wool rug?

The tiles are shinier than the wool.

The tiles are harder than the wool.

The tiles are better at conducting heat than the wool.

The tiles are worse at conducting heat than the wool.

37.) Refrigerators usually have a layer of polystyrene between the inner and outer walls. What is the purpose of the polystyrene?

To prevent heat leaving by conduction.

To prevent heat entering by conduction.

To prevent heat entering by radiation.

To prevent heat leaving by radiation.

38.) The diagram shows a device used to make potatoes bake more quickly in an oven. It consists of four metal prongs, each of which can have a potato pushed onto it. Which of the following is a good explanation of the way the device works?

The metal prong is a good electrical conductor.

The potato is raised up by the prong, increasing its potential energy.

The inside of the potato is compressed by the prong.

The metal prong gets hotter than the oven.

39.) The apparatus in the diagram was used to heat water and ice. The water at the top of the tube is boiling, but the water at the bottom of the tube stays quite cool. What is the most likely reason for this?

Wire gauze is a good conductor of heat.

Hot water radiates heat energy.

Water is a bad conductor of heat.

Water transports heat by convection.


40.) Convection is the process of the transfer of heat in a fluid by the movement of the fluid itself. Where can this occur?

Only in gasses.

In solids and liquids.

In liquids and gasses.

Only in liquids.

41.) The diagram shows a natural convection current for an onshore breeze created in the day. There are four points labelled 'A' to 'D'. Which of the following statements does NOT apply to the corresponding point?

The land heats up quickly in the Sun and heats the air above it.

The heated air expands and becomes less dense, and therefore rises.

Hot air rushes in to replace the rising warm air, creating an onshore sea breeze.

As air cools, it contracts, becomes more dense and falls.

42.) Natural convection produces ocean currents. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Near the equator, the ocean is heated most strongly by the Sun.

The warmed water expands slightly, becomes less dense and rises to the surface.

It then pushes outwards to be replaced by more warmed water pushing up from underneath.

These warm surface currents only travel a few metres.

43.) Forced convection is where you have a fan or a pump making fluid move around much faster. This enables heat to be transferred much faster than the natural convection currents would. Which of the following is NOT an example of forced convection?

A car engine water pump pushes the water around quickly to transfer heat away from the engine and into the radiator.

Cooling fans blow air over people or hot objects to cool them down, by convecting the heat away.

Radiators force hot air up and around the room, setting up a convection current.

Fan heaters blow air around the room much quicker than natural convection currents would.


44.) How does the infrared radiation that provides us with heat from the Sun, reach the Earth?

By conduction and radiation.

By radiation only.

By convection and radiation.

By conduction and convection.

45.) Heat radiation is the transfer of energy purely by electromagnetic waves. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Heat radiation travels in straight lines at the speed of light.

Heat radiation will pass through any media (material).

Heat radiation will travel through a vacuum.

All objects continually emit and absorb heat radiation, but the hotter an object is, the more energy it will radiate.

46.) If you stand close enough to a bonfire, you can feel the heat on your skin. How does this heat travel to you?

By conduction.

By convection.

By diffusion.

By radiation.

47.) Leslie's cube is a thin walled, hollow cube with different outside surfaces. It is filled with hot water and then used to show that surfaces vary in their ability to radiate and absorb heat energy. Which of the following gives the correct order of surfaces, starting with the best radiator of heat energy, decreasing to the worst?

Gloss black surface, Matt black surface, Gloss white surface, Polished metal surface.

Matt black surface, Gloss black surface, Gloss white surface, Polished metal surface.

Gloss white surface, Polished metal surface, Gloss black surface, Matt black surface.

Polished metal surface, Gloss white surface, Gloss black surface, Matt black surface.

48.) There are two test tubes containing water and a thermometer water. Bulb ‘X’ is painted black. When the tubes are placed in bright sunshine, the temperature of bulb 'X' increases well above that of bulb 'Y'. What could you conclude about bulb 'Y' from this?

It is open to the air.

It is painted black.

It is painted silver.

It is painted black and polished.

49.) When your body is wrapped in silver foil, you immediately feel warmer. Which is the most important reason for this?

The foil keeps the cold air away.

The foil absorbs heat from the surroundings.

The foil reflects the heat radiated by your body.

The foil is a good absorber of heat radiation.

Applications of Heat Transfer

50.) Which of the following statements are NOT true about good conductors and good insulators?

All metals are good conductors.

All non metals are good insulators.

Gasses and liquids are very good conductors.

Trapped pockets of air will prevent convection, but heat will still slowly conduct through.

51.) Which type of insulation reduces the amount of radiation leaving an object?

Trapped pocket of air around the object.

A vacuum around the object.

Silvered finish.

Matt black finish.

52.) Silvered finishes are highly effective insulation against heat transfer by radiation. Which of the following does not use a silvered finish to reduce heat radiation?



Cooking foil around the Christmas turkey.

Thermos flask.

53.) Silvered finishes are highly effective insulation against heat transfer by radiation. Which of the following does not use a silvered finish to reduce heat radiation?

Metal kettle.

Survival blanket.

Thermos flask.

A radiator on a car engine.

54.) A thermos flask is a device used to keep a liquid at the same temperature, as when it was put into the flask. It consists of a double walled glass bottle with a thin vacuum between the two walls. The walls either side of the vacuum are silvered and the stopper is made from plastic, which is filled with cork or foam. Which of the statements is NOT true about how the insulation works?

Conduction and convection through the sides of the flask are prevented by the vacuum.

The silvered walls minimise heat loss by radiation.

The vacuum stops heat getting in or out.

The plastic stopper filled with cork or foam reduces any heat conduction through the top of the flask.

55.) How does a central heating radiator give out most of its heat?

By convection currents of warm rising air.

By conduction between the radiator and the air.

By heat radiation.

By glowing red.

Insulating Buildings

56.) Study the diagram carefully. A heating engineer has made some measurements to help decide which kind of heater to use in a room. Which surface loses heat most quickly per square metre?





57.) Study the diagram carefully. A heating engineer has made some measurements to help decide which kind of heater to use in a room. Which surface should be insulated to save most energy?





58.) Heat can be lost from a house in many different ways. Which of the following types of insulation does NOT reduce heat loss through conduction?

Loft Insulation.

Hot Water Tank Jacket.

Draught Proofing.

Double Glazing.

59.) Draught proofing will reduce heat loss by convection. Which of the following will reduce heat loss by convection the most effectively?

Double Glazing.

Cavity Wall Insulation.


Loft Insulation.

60.) Curtains reduce heat loss primarily by which method of heat transfer?





61.) How do thermostatic radiator valves reduce heat loss in a house?

They reduce conduction.

They reduce convection.

They reduce radiation.

They prevent the house from being over heated.

62.) Double glazing is often used to insulate houses against heat loss. What is it that makes double glazing such a good insulator?

The air trapped between the glass is a poor conductor of heat.

Heat radiation passes through the first sheet of glass, but not the second.

Convection currents between the sheets are restricted.

Glass of double thickness will not conduct heat.

63.) Snow on the roof of house 'X' melts much more quickly than on the roof of house 'Y'. If the temperature in each house is the same, why might this occur?

The tiles on house ‘Y’ are better radiators than those on house ‘X’.

House ‘Y’ is heated by oil and house ‘X’ by solid fuel.

House ‘Y’ has loft insulation and house ‘X’ does not.

House ‘Y’ has double glazing and house ‘X’ does not.

Energy Resources

64.) Which of the following is a non-renewable source of energy?





65.) Which of the following uses a fossil fuel?

Wind turbine.

Solar cell.

Hydroelectric power station.

Coal fired power station.

66.) Non-renewable energy resources provide most of our energy. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Natural gas is a fossil fuel.

Uranium is a nuclear fuel that is non-renewable.

They do not damage the environment.

All non-renewable energy resources will run out in hundreds of years time.

67.) Study the table carefully. It lists the World's recoverable energy reserves of coal, oil and gas, together with their annual consumption in joules. How long will it take for these reserves to run out?

Oil - 238 years, Gas - 55 years, Coal - 238 years.

Oil - 58 years, Gas - 55 years, Coal - 238 years.

Oil - 55 years, Gas - 58 years, Coal - 238 years.

Oil - 58 years, Gas - 238 years, Coal - 55 years.

68.) There are many different forms of renewable energy. Two examples are food and biomass (wood). Which of the following is NOT a renewable source of energy?


Wind power.

Solar power.


69.) Study the table carefully. It lists some of the properties of various renewable energy sources. Which of the options is correct?





70.) Uranium is a nuclear fuel, which does not depend on the Sun for the energy that it produces because its energy comes from splitting atoms. Which of the following types of energy, also does NOT depend upon the Sun?





71.) Almost all the energy available on Earth comes, or has come, from the Sun. Which of the following is NOT true for energy supplied from the Sun?

It keeps the Earth's surface warm.

It is responsible for the heat from within the Earth.

It is stored in fossil fuels.

It is used by green plants to grow.

72.) Many types of power station are now connected up to the National Grid. Which of the power stations listed below could NOT be started up quickly, if power was required by the National Grid at short notice?

Oil Fired.

Coal Fired.



Non-Renewable Energy

73.) What is the main source of energy that we use in the United Kingdom?





74.) Some types of power station produce waste gasses, such as sulphur dioxide, which can dissolve in rain drops to produce acid rain. Which source of fuel, when used in a power station, can produce such emissions?

Only oil.

Only oil and coal.

Oil, coal and gas.


75.) The Greenhouse Effect is caused by the release of carbon dioxide. What energy resources will contribute to this effect?


All fossil fuels.

Only oil and coal.


76.) There are several environmental problems with the use of non-renewable fuels. Which of the following is NOT true?

There are no risks of major catastrophes when using nuclear power.

Nuclear waste is very dangerous and difficult to dispose of.

Coal mining makes a huge mess of the landscape.

Oil spillages cause many serious environmental problems.

77.) Nuclear power stations now provide a significant proportion of our power needs. Which of the statements below is NOT a problem associated with nuclear power stations?

They cannot be started up and shut down quickly.

Decommissioning costs are very high.

Building costs are very high.

Fuel costs are very high.

78.) To prevent fossil fuels from running out so quickly, we can use more renewable sources of energy, and use less energy by being more efficient with it. Which of the following methods will NOT save energy?

Insulate buildings better.

Keep windows open.

When not needed, turn lights and other electrical equipment off.

Drive fewer and smaller cars.


Renewable Energy

79.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about renewable energy sources?

Initial costs are quite high.

Running costs are very low.

They all provide a reliable power supply on demand.

All but wood burning have no fuel costs.

80.) A wind turbine has its own generator, so electricity is generated directly by the wind. Which of the following is NOT true?

5000 wind turbines will replace one coal fired power station.

A wind farm covers a large area which will spoil the view of the landscape.

A built up area is the most suitable site for a wind farm.

They do not produce any power when the wind stops.

81.) Hydroelectric power requires a high up reservoir, usually a flooded valley. The water is made to flow out of the reservoir and into turbines, which then generate electricity. Which of the following statements is correct about hydroelectric power stations?

The reservoir can never dry up.

There is no impact on the environment when a valley is flooded.

Running costs are very high.

Can have an immediate response to increased demand in power.

82.) Power stations with boilers are hard to shut down and start up again and so are kept running most of the time, even when demand is very low. This gives rise to a surplus of electricity at night. What type of power station can take this energy from the National Grid and store it for periods of peak demand?


Tidal Barrage.

Pumped Storage.


83.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about wave power?

Wave generators need to be located around the coast.

The up and down motion of waves is used to drive a generator.

Wave power is fairly reliable.

Wave generators spoil the view and are a hazard to boats.

84.) Study the table carefully. The tide rises and falls twice per day. By trapping each high tide and allowing it to flow out through generators, tidal energy can be converted into electrical energy. Which of the sites in the table would be most suitable for a tidal power station?





85.) Geothermal energy uses heat from underground. Which of the following is NOT true?

A geothermal power station can be set up anywhere.

Most of the heat underground is due to the slow decay of radioactive elements, including uranium.

Water is pumped down to the hot rocks, which then returns as steam to drive a generator.

The main drawback is the cost of drilling several kilometres down to the heat.

86.) Wood burning involves the cultivation of fast growing trees, which are then harvested, chopped up and burnt in a power station furnace to produce electricity. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Wood burning does not cause a problem with the Greenhouse Effect.

Wood burning is not a reliable or plentiful source of energy.

Carbon dioxide released in the burning of the wood was removed when the trees grew in the first place.

Trees are grown as quickly as they are burnt and so will never run out.

87.) Solar energy harnesses the energy from sunlight. Which of the following is NOT true?

Solar cells will generate electric currents directly from sunlight.

Solar power will provide energy at night.

Solar panels contain water pipes under a black surface, which absorbs heat radiation to heat the water.

A solar furnace uses mirrors to concentrate light on one spot, creating high temperatures to produce steam.

88.) Despite their high cost, solar cells can be a useful way of generating electricity. The situations below are good applications for solar cells where a continuous 24 hour per day supply of electricity is needed. Which does not need the assistance of batteries?

Power for a satellite in orbit around the Earth.

Providing power for a buggy to be used on the Moon.

Powering an interplanetary spaceship going from Earth to Mercury.

A power supply for a farm in the Australian desert.

89.) Non-renewable fuels are very polluting and are running out quickly. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using coal, oil, gas or nuclear energy?

High power output.

Reliable output.

There are no fuel costs.

They do not use up much land.

90.) Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using renewable energy?

Create no pollution.

No fuel costs, except for wood burning.

Have minimal running costs.

They all give a very reliable power output.


Extra Questions - some of these are beyond GCSE level and have not had the answers programmed

91.) Which device below most closely fits the following energy transfer? Electrical Energy -> Kinetic Energy -> Thermal and Sound Energy.

Electric Fan.

Electric Drill.

Electric Oven.


92.) Harry is riding his bicycle on a level road when he stops pedalling and allows the bicycle to slow down and stop. Which of the following correctly describes the energy change which happens after he stops pedalling?

Potential Energy to Chemical Energy.

Kinetic Energy to Thermal Energy.

Thermal Energy to Potential Energy.

Chemical Energy to Kinetic Energy.

93.) An electric fan transfers 35 Joules of energy per second. If it transfers 350KJ of energy, how long was it left on for?

7.2 seconds.

120 seconds.

10 seconds.

Nearly 3 hours.

94.) Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of using renewable energy?

Large areas of land or water are required.

The landscape is often spoilt by the site.

No pollution.

Power will not always be delivered when required, mainly due to the weather.

95.) The diagram shows the cylinder block of a motorcycle engine. The block gets very hot and must be cooled. Which of the following changes would help the cooling process?

Reducing the air flow.

Removing the fins.

Polishing the block until it is shiny.

Giving the block a dull black finish.

96.) When a car stops, it uses a braking force of 3000 Newtons. If the brakes have to do 24KJ (24,000 Joules) of work for the car to come to rest, how far does it travel from the moment when the brakes are applied, to when it has stopped?

125 Metres.

0.125 Metres.

0.008 Metres.

8 Metres.

97.) A light bulb is supplied with 5,200J of electrical energy. Only 1,000J of light energy is emitted. What is the efficiency of the light bulb?





98.) When a hammer falls and strikes the head of a nail, the head of the nail will get hotter. Which of these correctly describes the energy changes that occur?

Potential Energy -> Sound and Thermal Energy -> Kinetic Energy.

Potential Energy -> Kinetic Energy -> Sound and Thermal Energy.

Kinetic Energy -> Sound and Thermal Energy -> Potential Energy.

Kinetic Energy -> Potential Energy -> Sound and Thermal Energy.

99.) A golf ball has a mass of 0.05kg. If when hit, it is given 250J of kinetic energy, how fast does it travel?





100.) In a hydroelectric power station, a volume of water of mass 500Kg falls through a vertical distance of 50m into the turbines of a generator. If gravity is 10N/kg, what is the potential energy of this volume of water.

250 kJ

25 kJ

250 J

25 J

101.) A car engine is cooled by passing water around the engine block and then through a radiator. The radiator then transfers heat from the water to the air. Which of the following would cause the radiator to transfer heat to the surroundings at a greater rate?

Paint the radiator dull black.

Paint the radiator bright white.

Polish the radiator and paint white.

Polish the radiator and leave unpainted.

102.) Some cargo of mass 2.5 tonnes gains a maximum 1,500,000 Joules in potential energy above the quayside whilst being loaded onto a ship. If the deck of the ship is 55 metres above the quayside where the cargo is initially, what is the greatest height that the cargo reaches above the deck of the ship?

115 Metres.

60 Metres.

55 Metres.

5 Metres.

103.) An energy saving light bulb is 83% efficient. If it is supplied with 1,200J of electrical energy, how much light energy is emitted?





104.) Which of the options below correctly shows the energy changes involved when a television is on?

Electrical Energy -> Light and Sound Energy -> Thermal Energy.

Electrical Energy -> Thermal Energy -> Light and Sound Energy.

Light and Sound Energy -> Thermal Energy -> Electrical Energy.

Thermal Energy -> Light and Sound Energy -> Electrical Energy.

105.) A fisherman has a bite on his fishing line. He manages to reel in 15 metres of line before it snaps. If the fisherman does 1.8KJ of work before the fish gets away, what force did the fish exert?





106.) An electric oven has a power rating of 1.74 kilowatts. If it is left on for 3 hours, how much energy does it transfer?

5.22 joules.

313.2 joules.

5.22 kilowatthours.

313.2 kilowatthours.

107.) A hydroelectric power station has a dam which holds 500,000,000Kg of water. If the base of the dam is 200m above the turbines at the power station, estimate how much potential energy is stored in the water?

1 x 10^12 Joules.

1 x 10^11 Joules.

1 x 10^6 Joules.

1 x 10^3 Joules.

108.) A motorcycle of mass 950Kg accelerates to 15m/s in 8 seconds. What is its power output?

2027 Watts.

13359 Watts.

3800 Watts.

891 Watts.

109.) An electric nail brush is supplied with 2,000J of energy, but only 1,600J is useful work done. What is the efficiency of the nail brush?





110.) A car travelling at 25m/s has 625KJ of kinetic energy. What is its mass?





111.) 10Kg of water falls from the top of a waterfall of height 300m into a pool below. What is its change of energy?

30,000J gain.

No change.

3,000J loss.

3,000J gain.

112.) A steel ball is dropped from a building that is 100m high. When it is 25m from the ground, what is the ratio of the ball's potential energy to its kinetic energy?

3 : 1

1 : 3

4 : 1

1 : 4

113.) You get into a lift and go from the ground to the fifth floor, a vertical rise of 30m. If you have a mass of 65Kg, how much potential energy do you gain? (gravity = 10N/kg)





114.) A person weighing 400N runs up some stairs. It takes her 6s to climb a vertical height of 8m. What is the average power she produces?





115.) A high jumper weighs 500N. During a jump she effectively raises her centre of gravity through 2.5m. How much work does she do?





116.) Two tanks are connected via a pipe as in the diagram. The tank on the left is filled to a depth of 2m with 30Kg of water. When the tap is opened, the right hand tank fills with water until both tanks are at the same level. How much potential energy is transferred when this happens? (gravity = 10N/kg)





117.) A high jumper weighs 600N. During a jump he effectively raises his centre of gravity through 2m. How much work does he do?





118.) A man having a mass of 60Kg travels up an escalator which lifts him through a vertical height of 10m in 25s. What is his increase in gravitational potential energy? (gravity = 10N/kg)





119.) In an experiment to measure your power output, you climb up some stairs. Which of these do you NOT need in order to calculate your power output?

Your weight.

Your speed.

The height through which you climb.

The time you take.

120.) If you push a wheelbarrow with a force of 180N, how much work do you do when you move it 4m?








