GCSE Space quiz - by J Catchpole

The solar system

1) Which of the following states the correct order of the planets?

Earth, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, (Asteroids), Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, (Asteroids), Pluto, Neptune, Uranus.

(Asteroids), Mars, Venus, Earth, Mercury, Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, (Asteroids), Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

2) Which of the following are known as the "Inner planets"?

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.

3) Which of the following are known as the "Outer planets"?

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.

4) Which two planets do the Asteroids orbit between?

Mercury and Venus.

Mars and Jupiter.

Neptune and Pluto.

Saturn and Uranus.

5) Which of the following statements is NOT true about the planets?

The planets shine by giving out their own light.

The planets orbit the Sun in elliptical orbits.

The planets look like stars, but move very slowly across the constellations.

The planets shine by reflecting light from the Sun.

6) The Sun is a star, which is our major source of energy. To provide the Earth with heat and light, it has to release massive amounts of energy. What is the source of this energy?

Nuclear fission.

Chemical reactions.

Nuclear fusion.

Gravitational collapse.

7) It was once thought that the Sun released energy from chemical reactions. Why is this no longer believed to be true?

The Sun is solely composed of un-reactive elements.

The Sun does not have a big enough mass to have released so much chemical energy for billions of years.

The Sun is solely composed of hydrogen, which cannot react with itself.

The temperature in the Sun is too extreme for chemical reactions to take place.

8) The Sun is still extremely hot, whereas the planets are much cooler. Which of the answers gives the correct explanation?

The Sun burns hydrogen in its interior, whereas the planets supply of hydrogen has run out.

The Sun fuses hydrogen to helium, releasing energy, whereas the planets supply of hydrogen has run out.

The Sun produces energy by fission reactions, whereas the planets were never hot enough to produce energy this way.

It is too cold deep inside the planets to have fusion reactions necessary to produce energy from hydrogen.

9) The Sun emits electromagnetic radiation. From which part of the electromagnetic spectrum does this radiation come from?

Radio waves and Microwaves.

Infra-red, Visible light and Ultra violet.

X-rays and Gamma rays.

The full spectrum.

10) During a star's lifetime, atoms of lighter elements; mainly hydrogen and helium, gradually fuse to produce atoms of heavier elements. Atoms of the heaviest elements are present in both the Sun and the inner planets of our Solar System. What does this suggest?

The Solar System was formed from the material produced when earlier stars exploded.

The planets were formed when these lighter elements fused together.

The planets coalesce together to form a Sun.

The Solar System was formed independently of the Sun.

11) Which statement correctly describes the four Inner planets?

Different size, Watery surface, Solid structure and do not show Volcanic activity.

Similar size, Smooth surface, Layered structure and show Volcanic activity.

Similar size, Rocky surface, Solid structure and do not show Volcanic activity.

Similar size, Rocky surface, Layered structure and show Volcanic activity.

12) Which statement correctly describes the five Outer planets?

Mostly composed of solids, Very dense atmosphere.

Mostly composed of gas , Very dense atmosphere.

Mostly composed of solid , Very thin atmosphere.

Mostly composed of gas , Very thin atmosphere. .

13) The statements below give information on an imaginary planetary system, orbiting a star similar to our Sun. Which planet might be suitable for colonisation by human life?

5 million Km from star, 0.5 Diameter relative to Earth, 0.2 Gravity relative to Earth and a Temperature of 200°C.

140 million Km from star, 0.8 Diameter relative to Earth, 1.3 Gravity relative to Earth and a Temperature of 25°C.

150 million Km from star, 2.0 Diameter relative to Earth, 12.0 Gravity relative to Earth and a Temperature of 25°C.

280 million Km from star, 10.0 Diameter relative to Earth, 8.0 Gravity relative to Earth and a Temperature of -4°C.

Gravity and Orbits

14) The Moon orbits the Earth, and the Earth obits the Sun. These bodies are held in orbit about each other by a force. What is this force which acts between all masses?





15) A star has four planets orbiting it. These planets are of equal size and mass, but are different distances from the star. Which planet has the greatest gravitational pull exerted upon it by the star?

The planet closest to the star.

The planet furthest from the star.

None of the planets experience a gravitational pull exerted by the star.

All of the planets experience the same gravitational pull exerted by the star.

16) Study the diagram carefully. Planet B is a distance "d" from the Earth and has a force "F" acting on it. Planet C is the same size and mass as planet B, but is "2d" from the Earth. What will be the force; created by the Earth, acting on planet C?



1/4 F.

1/9 F.

17) Study the diagram carefully. Planet B is a distance "d" from the Earth and has a force "F" acting on it. Planet D is the same size and mass as planet B, but is "3d" from the Earth. What will be the force; created by the Earth, acting on planet D?



1/4 F.

1/9 F.

18) Study the diagram carefully. Planet B is a distance "d" from the Earth and has a force "F" acting on it. Planet A is the same size and mass as planet B, but has a force "4F" acting on it; created by the Earth. What is the distance of planet A from the Earth?



1/4 d.

1/2 d.

19) There are four main stages in the journey of a rocket from Earth to our Moon. Which part of the journey would require the most fuel?

The ascent into Earth's orbit.

Escaping from the surface of the Moon.

Escaping from Earth's orbit.

The journey to the Moon.

20) Two moons of the same mass orbit a planet. The orbit of the Earth's Moon is almost circular, but the orbits of the moons are much more complicated. What is the most likely reason for this?

The gravitational pull of the planet varies, changing their otherwise normal orbits.

The moons attract each other when they are close together, changing their normal orbits.

The inner moon has a circular orbit, affecting the other moon's orbit.

The outer moon has a circular orbit, affecting the other moon's orbit.

21) The stars in the night sky form fixed patterns which rotate as the Earth spins. What is the name given to these patterns?


Solar Systems.



22) You take a picture of the constellation of Ursa Major on two consecutive nights and you notice a star like object that has moved across the constellation. What is the object most likely to be?

An Aeroplane.

An Asteroid.

A Meteor.

A Planet.

The Moon

23) How long does it take the Moon to orbit the Earth?

24 Hours.

365 Days.

One Month.

One Week.

24) Study the diagrams carefully. Which one correctly shows an eclipse of the Moon?





25) Study the diagrams carefully. Which one correctly shows an eclipse of the Sun?





26) Study the diagram carefully. Which statement correctly describes the phases of the Moon, starting from the right side of the Earth?

New Moon, Crescent Moon, Half Moon, Gibbous Moon, Full Moon.

New Moon, Gibbous Moon, Half Moon, Crescent Moon, Full Moon.

Full Moon, Crescent Moon, Half Moon, Gibbous Moon, New Moon.

Full Moon, Gibbous Moon, Half Moon, Crescent Moon, New Moon.

27) One theory about the future of our Solar System states that the motion of the Moon produces a small drag on the Earth as it orbits the Sun. What effect will this have on the Earth?

The temperature of the Earth will decrease.

The length of an Earth year will increase.

The Earth-Sun distance will decrease.

The Earth-Sun distance will increase.

Comets, Asteroids and Meteorites

28) Which of the following statements is NOT true about asteroids?

When they enter the Earth's atmosphere, we see them as shooting stars.

They are lumps of rock and ice orbiting the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

The diameter of an asteroid can vary between 200 Km and just a few Km.

They stay in their orbits and do not become meteorites.

29) Which of the following statements is NOT true about Meteorites?

They do not orbit the Sun.

They are lumps of rock and ice orbiting the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

When they enter the Earth's atmosphere, we see them as shooting stars.

Big meteorites may reach the surface of the Earth.

30) A body orbits the Sun with a very elongated orbit. The Sun is not at the centre of the orbit, but near to one end of it. Which statement correctly suggests what this body might be?

An Asteroid.

A Meteorite.

A Comet.

A Planet.

31) Which of the following statements is NOT true about Comets?

Comets travel much slower when near to the Sun than when in more distant parts of their orbits.

We only see Comets every few years because their orbits take them very far from the Sun and then back in close.

Comet orbits are in different planes to that of the Planets.

When approaching the Sun, ice melts leaving a bright tail of debris which can be millions of Km long.


32) Which of the following statements is NOT a common use for artificial satellites?

To monitor weather on Earth.

To transmit information between places on Earth and to spy on other countries.

To observe the Universe for space research.

To transfer solar energy from the Sun to the Earth.

33) Which of the following statements is NOT true for a satellite that has been placed into a geostationary orbit?

The satellite is put into a high orbit over the Equator, which takes 24 hours to complete.

The satellite will always be in the same position when viewed from the Earth.

The satellite will be ideal for telephone and television communications because it will always be in the same place.

Since the Earth spins beneath it, the satellite will see the whole Earth in one day.

34) When geostationary satellites are launched, they must be given the correct velocity to "park" them in orbit. What might happen to a satellite that was intended for a geostationary orbit, but its launch velocity was just slightly too low?

It would orbit the Earth in a low Polar orbit.

It would have no noticeable effect on the satellite.

It would reach a lower orbit, but still remain over a fixed point.

It would orbit the Earth, but not remaining over a fixed point.

35) Which of the following statements is NOT true for a satellite that has been placed into a low Polar orbit?

The satellite is ideal to take weather and spying photographs.

The satellite takes 24 hours to complete one orbit, which means that it stays above the same point over the Earth.

The satellite orbit's over both poles, whilst the Earth rotates at 90° to this direction beneath the satellite.

Each orbit only takes a few hours, which allows the whole surface of the Earth to be monitored in one day.

36) Astronomers find that telescopes placed upon satellites, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, produce much better images of planets than Earth based telescopes. Which statement correctly suggests why this is?

The telescopes are closer to the planets being looked at.

Due to the lack of gravity, larger telescopes can be used.

They can observe the planets without the distortion and blurring caused by the Earth's atmosphere.

Light from the planets does not penetrate the Earth's atmosphere.

37) Scientists use space probes to explore distant bodies. Which of the following states the furthest these space probes have travelled?

The Solar System.

The Sun.

The Moon.

The Galaxy.

The Earth

38) How long does it take the Earth to rotate once on its axis?

1 Week.

1 Month.

24 Hours.

365 Days.

39) Which of the following statements is NOT true about day and night on Earth?

At the Equator, the length of daylight never changes, as there are always 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness.

Places far from the poles can experience 24 hours of sunlight in mid summer and 24 hours of darkness in mid winter.

Places close to the poles experience longer hours of sunlight in summer.

Places close to the poles experience longer hours of darkness in winter.

40) How long does it take the Earth to orbit the Sun?

1 Week. b: 1 Month.

24 Hours.

365 Days.

41) Study the diagram carefully. Which statement correctly describes the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere at A, B, C and D?

Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring.

Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn.

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.

Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer.

42) A star has four planets orbiting it. These planets are different distances from the star. Which planet will take the longest time to complete one orbit around the star?

The planet furthest from the star.

The planet closest to the star.

All orbit times constantly change so any planet could take the longest time to orbit.

All of the planets take the same time to orbit the star.

43) On the Earth, the level at any point on a large area of water rises and falls twice a day. What causes these tides?

The rotation of the Earth.

The combination of wind and waves.

The force of the Moon's gravity.

The force of the planets gravity.

44) Which of the following phases of the Moon occur during a spring tide?

Crescent Moon and Gibbous Moon.

New Moon and Full Moon.

Half Moon.

New Moon, Half Moon and Full Moon.

45) When the Earth is viewed from its side with the North Pole at the top, it has bulges of water either side of it. What causes these bulges?

Gravity being weaker around the Equator.

The gravitational attraction of the Moon.

The Sun.

The rotation of the Earth.

46) The height of the tide at any particular time and place depends on the relative positions of the Sun, Earth and Moon. A particularly high and low tide is known as a spring tide. Study the diagrams carefully. Which one correctly shows the alignment of these three bodies when there is a spring tide?





The Stars

47) The Sun is just one of many millions of stars in a group of stars. What is the name given to such a group of stars?

The Universe.

A Solar System.

A Cluster.

A Galaxy.

48) Which of the following statements is NOT true about galaxies?

The distance between stars in a galaxy is usually millions of times greater than that between planets in our Solar System.

Our Sun and Solar System are positioned close to the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy.

The Milky Way Galaxy is 100,000 light years across. Like other galaxies, it is held together by gravity and it rotates.

Galaxies are often millions of times further apart than the stars within them.

49) One of the limitations of space travel is the time it takes to travel the large distances involved. If you can travel at half the speed of light and a star is four light years away, how long will it take to get there?

8 Years.

4 Years.

2 Years.

1 Year.

50) One of the limitations of space travel is the time it takes to travel the large distances involved. If you can travel at half the speed of light and a star is four light years away, in principle it could take you 8 years to get there. Why in reality would it take longer?

Acceleration needs to be taken into account.

Deceleration needs to be taken into account.

Both acceleration and deceleration need to be taken into account.

Time speeds up when you approach the speed of light.

51) Given that the speed of light is 300,000,000 m/s what is the distance travelled in four light years?

1,200,000,000 m.

440,000,000,000 m.

38,000,000,000,000 km.

38,000,000,000,000 m.

52) Given that the speed of light is 300,000,000 m/s and light from the Sun takes 8 minutes to reach us how far away is the Sun?

2.4 Mm.

144 Mm.

2.4 million km

144 million km.

53.) The flow chart shows the possible life cycle of our Sun. Clouds of Dust and gas -> Star contracts -> Main Sequence star -> Star expands -> x -> White Dwarf -> Black Dwarf. What should be at "x"?

Neutron Star.

Black Hole.

Red Giant.


54.) Big stars turn into a "Supernova" after the "Red Giant" stage of their life. Which of the following statements correctly states the next stages of a big star's life?

Neutron Star -> Black Hole. Also a new planetary nebula -> New Solar System.

Black Hole -> Neutron Star. Also a new Solar System -> New planetary nebula.

Neutron Star -> Black Hole. Also a White Dwarf -> Black Dwarf.

New planetary nebula -> New Solar System. Also a White Dwarf -> Black Dwarf.

55.) Stars are very massive compared to the Earth. This means that the force of gravity drawing together the matter in a star is very strong. If a star is not going to collapse, the force of gravity must be balanced by an outward acting force. What creates this force?

The rotation of the star.

The intense magnetic fields around the star.

The high density of the star.

The very high temperatures within the star.

56.) Our Sun is cooling down and will eventually evolve into a Red Giant. What is the most likely effect that this will have on the Earth?

The rotation of the Earth will slow down.

The rotation of the Earth will speed up.

The Sun will swallow up the Earth.

The length of a year will increase.

57.) If a star is massive enough, when it reaches the end of its life it may explode, throwing dust and gas into space. When this happens, what is the star called?

A Red Giant.

A Supernova.

A White Dwarf.

A Black Hole.

58.) How are second generation stars, like our Sun formed?

From a Neutron star.

From a White Dwarf.

From dust and gas when the Universe was created.

From dust and gas thrown off by a Supernova.

59.) The matter from which Neutron stars, White Dwarfs and Black Dwarfs are made, is millions of times denser than any matter on Earth. What is the cause of this?

The intense magnetic fields around the star.

The strength of the gravity.

The rotation of the star.

The very high temperatures within the star.

The Big Bang

60.) Light from a distant galaxy appears to be shifted to the red end of the electromagnetic spectrum. What is a possible explanation for this?

The galaxy is moving towards us.

The galaxy is moving away from us.

The galaxy consists mainly of stars which have become Red Giants.

The galaxy consists mainly of stars which have become Red Dwarfs.

61.) One of the greatest discoveries in astronomy was that made by Edwin Hubble. He found that light from the most distant galaxies was shifted towards the red end of the spectrum more than light from nearby galaxies. This is called the "Doppler Effect". What does this red shift with the light from galaxies provide evidence of?

The farthest galaxies are receding fastest.

The nearest galaxies are receding fastest.

The galaxies are moving away at an equal rate.

The Universe is in a steady state.

62.) Background radiation is a low frequency microwave radiation which comes from all directions in the Universe. It seems that this radiation is "cooling" and dropping in frequency. What does this suggest?

There was an initial Big Bang from which the Universe is expanding and cooling.

The Universe is in a steady state and always has been.

The Universe will expand forever.

The Universe will collapse.

63.) What does the Steady State theory of the Universe state?

The Universe will always exist in its present form.

There was an initial Big Bang from which the Universe is expanding and cooling.

The Universe will expand forever.

The Universe will collapse.

64.) There is not much support for the Steady State theory, especially since the discovery of background radiation. Why is this?

The background radiation suggests that the Universe will expand forever.

The background radiation suggests that the Universe will collapse.

The background radiation suggests that there was an initial Big Bang from which the Universe is expanding and cooling.

The background radiation suggests that the Universe will have endless cycles of expansion and contraction.

65.) All the galaxies in the Universe appear to moving apart rapidly. What does this imply?

The Universe will expand forever.

The Universe will collapse.

The Universe has always existed and always will.

There was an initial Big Bang from which the Universe is expanding and cooling.

66.) The Universe is believed to be 15 billion years old. Its age has been estimated from the current rate of expansion. What force will determine whether the Universe will expand forever?



Gravitational Attraction.


67.) Which statement correctly describes what the fate of the Universe depends on?

The Universe's fate depends on how fast galaxies are moving apart and how much total mass is in it.

The Universe's fate depends on whether our Sun turns into a Red Giant.

The Universe's fate depends on how fast galaxies are moving apart.

The Universe's fate depends on how much total mass is in it.

68.) The Universe may stop expanding and start contracting. What will cause this to happen?

If there is not enough mass compared to how fast the galaxies are moving away.

If there is enough mass compared to how fast the galaxies are moving away.

If our Sun becomes an exploding Supernova.

If our Sun becomes a Black Hole.

69.) If there is too little mass in the Universe, what may happen?

It could have endless cycles of expansion and contraction.

It could cause another Big Bang.

It could contract in the Big Crunch.

It could expand forever, becoming more and more spread out.

70.) It is believed that the Earth was formed from the condensation of hot gases. This then cooled further over millions of years to form the Earth. Study the graphs carefully. If you were able to measure temperature inside the Earth, going from the surface to the Earth's centre, which graph would show the temperature changes that you would record?








