GCSE Waves quiz - by J Catchpole

Wave Properties

1.) Study the diagram carefully. It shows a wave with three distances marked 'X', 'Y' and 'Z' respectively. Which of the statements below correctly describes the distance stated?

Z - Amplitude, Y - Wavelength

X - Amplitude, Y - Wavelength

Y - Amplitude, Z - Wavelength

X - Amplitude, Z - Wavelength

2.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about wave features?

The period of a wave is the time taken for one complete cycle of the wave

The amplitude of a wave is the vertical distance from a trough to a peak

The frequency of a wave is the number of complete waves being emitted per second

Frequency is measured in Hertz

3.) The diagram shows a spring that can be moved in two directions, 'X' and 'Y'. Which of the answers below correctly shows the type of waves produced by each hand movement?

X - Transverse, Y - Longitudinal

X - Transverse, Y - Transverse

X - Longitudinal, Y - Transverse

X - Longitudinal, Y - Longitudinal

4.) Light waves are transverse. What does this mean?

They do not vary in speed, but only vary in wavelength

They do not vary in wavelength, but only vary in speed

The disturbances are parallel to the direction in which the wave is travelling

The disturbances are at right angles to the direction in which the wave is travelling

5.) Which of the following waves is a longitudinal wave?

Sound wave

Radio Wave

Light wave

Infra-red wave

6.) Which of the statements below is correct about waves?

All waves carry energy without transferring matter.

All waves carry energy by transferring matter.

All waves do not carry energy.

All waves transfer matter.

Sound Waves (Module 6)

(Module 6)

7.) Sound waves travel at various speeds in different substances. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Sound waves are caused by vibrating objects.

Sound waves are longitudinal waves.

Sound waves can be reflected, refracted and diffracted, but they can not travel through a vacuum.

Sound waves generally travel faster in gasses than in liquids, and faster in liquids than in solids.

8.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about hearing?

The normal range of human hearing is 20Hz to 20,000Hz.

The upper hearing limit decreases with age.

Dogs can hear up to about 40,000Hz.

There is no evidence that excessive noise caused by personal stereos and loud machinery, damages your hearing.

9.) Noise pollution can cause stress and distraction. Which of the following statements is NOT true about methods of reducing noise pollution?

Double-glazing does not reduce noise pollution but only heat loss.

Fitting silencers to engines and mufflers to other machinery will reduce noise pollution.

Sound insulation in buildings such as acoustic tiles, curtains and carpets will reduce noise pollution.

Wearing ear plugs will reduce the amplitude of sound waves entering your ears.

10.) How are echoes caused?

By sound waves being refracted from hard flat surfaces.

By sound waves being reflected from hard flat surfaces.

By sound waves being diffracted from soft surfaces such as curtains and carpets.

By sound waves being refracted from soft surfaces such as curtains and carpets.

11.) The following answers are four terms which may be used when referring to a wave. Which one of the terms is related most closely to loudness in the case of a sound wave?





12.) A loudspeaker consists of a cone which vibrates to and fro. If the cone is made to vibrate with a bigger amplitude, what would the effect be on the sound produced?

It would be higher pitched.

It would be higher pitched, but quieter.

It would have the same pitch, but would be quieter.

It would be louder, with the pitch unchanged.

13.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about the frequency of a sound wave?

The frequency of a sound wave is the number of complete vibrations it makes each second.

The higher the frequency of a sound, the lower its pitch.

Shortening, tightening or using a thinner string on a stringed instrument will make the note produced sound higher.

Lengthening, loosening or using a thicker string on a stringed instrument will make the note produced sound lower.

14.) A steel wire is stretched over a pulley by a large mass. When the wire is plucked, it emits a sound. What will happen to the pitch of this sound if the mass on the wire is increased?

It will get higher.

It will not change.

It will get lower.

It will get louder.

15.) Study the graphs carefully. They show how the displacement of air molecules changed with time when different sound waves were passing. The scales are the same for each graph. Which graph shows the sound with the biggest amplitude?





16.) The graphs show how the displacement of air molecules changed with time when different sound waves were passing. The scales are the same for each graph. Which graph shows the sound with the highest frequency?





17.) The graphs show how the displacement of air molecules changed with time when different sound waves were passing. The scales are the same for each graph. Which graph shows the sound with two wavelengths?





18.) Microphones turn sound waves into electrical signals. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

An electrical signal is a varying electrical current.

The currents from a microphone are very big and are amplified into much smaller signals by an amplifier.

The signals from a microphone can be recorded.

Speakers are opposite to microphones because they turn electrical signals into sound waves.

Ultrasound (Module 6)

(Module 12)

19.) Ultrasound can be used for industrial cleaning. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Ultrasound can be used to clean delicate mechanisms.

The mechanism must be dismantled before using ultrasound on it.

Ultrasound is effective at removing dirt and other deposits.

Ultrasound can be used to remove tartar from teeth.

20.) Ultrasound can be used for industrial quality control. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

When ultrasound waves hit a boundary between two different media, some of the wave is reflected back and detected.

The exact timing and distribution of the echoes give detailed information about the internal structure of the object.

The information is processed by computer to produce a visual image of what the object is like inside.

Ultrasound waves can not pass through metal objects.

21.) Which of the following type of waves is the safest to use to produce an image of a foetus?


Gamma rays.



22.) Bats are known to navigate by bouncing high pitched sound waves off objects in front of them and then detecting the waves coming back. What feature of sound waves does the bat rely upon in doing this?





Wave Formulae (Module 12)

(Module 6)

23.) Some water ripples on a pond travel 55cm in 5 seconds. What is their speed?





24.) The frequency and wavelength of a sound wave are measured underwater. These measurements are taken to be 2.5kHz and 56cm respectively. Using these figures, what speed do sound waves travel through water?





25.) A wave has a frequency of 50Hz. How long does it take for the wave to complete one full cycle?

0.02 seconds.

0.2 seconds.

1 second.

50 seconds.

26.) A gun is sounded and an echo received from a wall 6 seconds later. If the speed of sound is 330m/s, how far away is the wall?





27.) A fisherman sitting on the end of a pier notices that 6 wave crests pass him in 3 seconds. What is the frequency of the waves?





28.) You notice that when someone bursts a balloon some distance away from you, there is a delay between seeing and hearing it burst. Why is this?

Light travels faster than sound.

Sound travels faster than light.

The wind is behind you and slows down the sound waves.

The wind is behind you and speeds up the sound waves.

Reflection (Module 6)

(No Module)

29.) The diagrams show waves being reflected in a ripple tank. The incident waves are shown in red and the reflected waves in blue. Where indicated in 'C' and 'D', the reflected waves appear to radiate from the position of the ‘image’. Which of the diagrams does NOT show the correct reflected wave?





30.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about the reflection of light?

We see objects by the light that they reflect.

When light reflects from an uneven surface such as a piece of paper, it reflects off at different angles, (diffuse reflection).

When light reflects from an even surface such as a mirror, the light reflects off at all different angles, (clear reflection).

The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

31.) The diagram shows a ray of light reflected from a plane mirror. What is the angle of incidence?

20 Degrees.

40 Degrees.

50 Degrees.

60 Degrees.

Mirrors and Lenses (No Module)

(Module 6)

32.) When you look at yourself in a plane mirror, what characteristics does your image have?

It is real and behind the mirror.

It is real and magnified.

It is magnified and behind the mirror.

It is laterally inverted and behind the mirror.

33.) Which of the statements about the image formed in a plane mirror is true?

It is virtual because no rays actually pass through it.

It is virtual because it can be shown on a screen.

It is real because it cannot be photographed.

It is real because it is the same way up as the object.

34.) The driver of a car sees an image of his car's headlights in a shop window. The shop window is 20m from the car. How far from the car is the image of the headlights?





35.) Which of the following describes the image formed on the retina of the human eye?

It is magnified and inverted.

It is magnified and erect.

It is diminished and inverted.

It is diminished and erect.

36.) Which of the following describes the image formed in a pinhole camera by a close and upright object?

Inverted and magnified.

Inverted and diminished.

Upright and magnified.

Upright and diminished.

37.) Which one of the following statements about the image produced in a pinhole camera is correct?

The image is bigger if the object is brighter.

The image is sharper when the pinhole is made bigger.

The image is bigger if the object is further away.

The image is smaller if the screen is nearer the pinhole.

38.) When the human eye is compared to a camera, which of the following is true?

In a camera, the image is brought into focus by adjusting the position of the lens.

They both contain diverging lenses.

They both form erect images.

The eye cannot adjust the focal length of its lens.

39.) Study the diagrams carefully. They show rays of light passing through two different optical instruments. What are the instruments 'X' and 'Y' likely to be?

X - Projector, Y - Camera.

X - Projector, Y - Projector.

X - Camera, Y - Camera.

X - Camera, Y - Projector.

40.) When a person with a sight defect looks at a distant object, the image of the object is formed in front of the retina. What condition is this person suffering from and how might it be corrected?

Short sight which can be corrected with a concave (diverging) lens.

Short sight which can be corrected with a convex (converging) lens.

Long sight which can be corrected with a concave (diverging) lens.

Long sight which can be corrected with a convex (converging) lens.

Refraction (Module 6)

(Module 12)

41.) The diagram shows the path a light ray takes from an object on the bottom of a swimming pool. Which property of light should be used to describe the path of the light ray?





42.) As a ray of light passes at an oblique angle from air into glass, which of the following statements below is NOT true?

Its velocity increases.

It gets refracted.

Its frequency stays the same.

Its velocity decreases.

43.) Which one of the following is true when a light wave passes from air into water?

Its frequency decreases.

Its wavelength decreases.

Its speed increases.

Its frequency increases.

44.) Study the diagram carefully. When a light ray hits an air/water boundary, it changes direction. In which direction will it get refracted?





45.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about refraction?

A ray of light is bent away from the normal as it leaves a denser medium.

Some light is reflected when light hits a different medium.

In a ripple tank, waves travel faster in shallower water than deeper water.

Sound waves do refract.

46.) When white light passes through a prism, it splits up into many colours. What is the name of this process?





47.) The diagram shows a ray of light of one colour entering a glass prism. In which direction will the ray leave the prism?





48.) Study the diagram carefully. When white light passes through a prism, it splits up into many colours. Which colours are labelled 'X' and 'Y'?

X - Violet, Y - Red.

X - Red, Y - Violet.

X - Blue, Y - Green.

X - Green, Y - Blue.

49.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about dispersion?

Different colours of light travel at slightly different speeds.

Different colours of light are refracted by different angles.

Infrared appears before red light and ultra violet appears after violet light in the spectrum.

The order of the colours are, 'Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green, Indigo, Violet'.

50.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about total internal reflection?

Most of the light will pass into a less dense medium if the angle of incidence is less than the critical angle.

When the angle of incidence is equal to the critical angle, the light is refracted in the same direction as the normal.

All light will be totally internally reflected if the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle.

Internal reflection only occurs when light is emerging from something denser than what it is entering, e.g. water into air.

51.) The diagrams show light rays entering glass blocks and then being refracted as they leave. The angle of incidence is represented with the letter 'i' and the angle of reflection by 'r'. 'c' represents the critical angle (42 degrees for glass). The lighter coloured lines are faint reflected rays. Which diagram does NOT show the correct path of the light ray?





52.) Which of the following does NOT use 45 degree prisms to create total internal reflections?



Optical fibres.

Bicycle reflectors.

53.) Optical fibres are used in communications and endoscopes. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Optical fibres work by repeated internal reflections of light along their length and are used to carry information.

A disadvantage to the cable is the signals can be tapped into or be affected by any electrical interference.

An optical cable the same diameter as a wire, will carry a great deal more information.

Some light is lost at each reflection due to imperfections in the cable, so the signal is boosted every few km.

54.) Which of the following is an optical fibre instrument that is used in operations without the need of cutting big holes in the patient?





Diffraction (Module 12)

(Module 6)

55.) The diagram shows water waves spreading out as they pass through a narrow slit. What is this effect called?





56.) Diffraction is the spreading out which occurs when waves pass through a narrow gap or around a narrow object. For this spreading out to be most significant, how should the wavelength of the wave be related to the width of the gap?

The wavelength should be larger or equal to the gap width.

The wavelength should be significantly smaller than the gap width.

The wavelength should be smaller or equal to the gap width.

The gap width is irrelevant.

57.) Diffraction is the spreading out which occurs when a wave passes through a narrow gap. What happens to the velocity, wavelength and frequency of the waves when this happens?

Only the frequency changes.

The frequency and wavelength both change.

The velocity, wavelength and frequency change.

None of these characteristics change.

58.) Most sounds have wavelengths of 0.1 metres in air. Why when you hear sounds from around corners do they sound 'muffled'?

Sound waves do not diffract, diminishing sound quality.

Higher frequency sounds reflect better than lower frequency sounds.

Lower frequency sounds have shorter wavelengths than higher frequency sounds, therefore do not diffract as much.

Higher frequency sounds have shorter wavelengths than lower frequency sounds, therefore do not diffract as much.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum (Module 6)

(Module 11)

59.) Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation. Which statement about light waves is NOT true?

It has a varying amplitude.

It cannot pass through a vacuum.

Its wavelength can vary.

It can pass through a vacuum.

60.) Which of the types of radiation listed below has a wavelength slightly shorter than that of visible light and can cause certain materials to fluoresce?

X-Ray radiation.

Gamma radiation.

Ultra Violet radiation.

Infrared radiation.

61.) Which of the types of radiation listed below has a wavelength slightly longer than that of visible light and can be used for heating?

Ultra Violet radiation.

Infrared radiation.

X-Ray radiation.

Gamma radiation.

62.) The diagram shows the various parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, in order of decreasing wavelength from left to right. What should be placed in the positions labelled 'X' 'Y' and 'Z'?

X - Visible Light, Y - Infrared, Z - Ultra Violet.

X - Infrared, Y - Ultra Violet, Z - Visible Light.

X - Infrared, Y - Visible Light, Z - Ultra Violet.

X - Ultra Violet, Y - Visible Light, Z - Infrared.

63.) The following are four terms which may be used when referring to a wave. Which one of the terms has the same value for all electromagnetic waves when travelling in a vacuum?





64.) When a star reaches a certain point in its life, it may explode and become a supernova. When it does this, it gives out energy in the form of waves which travel to the Earth through Space. Which of these could NOT be received from the star?

Radio waves.

Sound waves.


Gamma rays.

65.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about electromagnetic waves?

All electromagnetic radiation can travel through a vacuum including Space.

When EM waves are absorbed, they may cause cooling.

When EM waves are absorbed, they may create tiny alternating currents with the same frequency as the radiation.

Electromagnetic waves with high frequencies are the most dangerous to be exposed to.

66.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about radio waves?

They are used mainly for communications.

TV and FM radio use short wavelength radio waves of about one metre wavelength.

To receive short wavelength radio waves, it is best to be in direct sight of the transmitter.

Short wavelength radio waves will diffract over hills and travel far through buildings.

67.) Radio waves are used to transmit information. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

To receive short wave radio signals with wavelengths of about 1m, direct sight of the transmitter is required.

To receive medium wave radio signals with wavelengths of about 300m, direct sight of the transmitter is required.

The ionosphere is an electrically charged layer in the Earth's upper atmosphere.

Long wave radio signals with wavelengths of about 1km, will bend over the surface of the Earth.

68.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about microwaves?

Microwaves are safe because they cannot be absorbed by living tissue.

Microwaves used for satellite transmissions use a frequency that passes easily through the Earth's atmosphere.

Microwaves used for cooking use a frequency that is readily absorbed by water molecules.

Microwaves can be dangerous because when absorbed by living tissue, the heat produced will damage or kill the cells.

69.) Infrared is also known as heat radiation. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Infrared is given out by all hot objects, and is readily absorbed by most materials, causing heating.

Infrared is used for night vision equipment.

Remote controls for TVs and videos use infrared to send harmless signals over short distances.

Over exposure to infrared may cause skin cancer.

70.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about visible light?

Visible light is between microwaves and Infra-red rays in the electromagnetic spectrum.

The order of the visible colours are, 'Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet'.

We use visible light for seeing with.

An important use of visible light is in optical fibre digital communications where it is used in pulses to transfer information.

71.) Which statement about electromagnetic radiation is NOT true?

Microwaves are absorbed by water in cells which may be damaged or killed by the heat released.

All electromagnetic radiation passes through opaque solids.

Infrared radiation is absorbed by the skin and felt as heat.

Ultra violet radiation can pass through the dead skin layer to living skin.

72.) Which statement about the production of electromagnetic radiation is NOT true?

Radio waves are produced by electrons oscillating in wires.

X-rays are produced when electrons hit a metal target.

Ultra violet can be produced by passing an electric current through a gas.

Infrared is produced mostly from cold objects.

Seismic Waves (Module 11)

73.) What creates seismic waves?

The Sun.

The Moon.


Moving electrons.

74.) What are seismic waves detected with?

A Seismograph.

An Earthometer.

A Barometer.

A Voltmeter.

75.) There are two types of seismic wave. What are they?

S-Waves and P-Waves.

X-Waves and Y-Waves.

S-Waves and X-Waves.

P-Waves and Y-Waves.

76.) The diagrams show different paths that a wave takes through the Earth. The red areas indicate areas where no shock waves are detected at the surface of the Earth. Which diagram correctly shows the paths that an S-Wave takes through the Earth?





77.) The diagrams show different paths that a wave takes through the Earth. The red areas indicate areas where no shock waves are detected at the surface of the Earth. Which diagram correctly shows the paths that a P-Wave takes through the Earth?





78.) Results from seismographs show that about halfway through the Earth there is a sudden change in direction of both types of seismic waves. Also, S-Waves are not detected in a large area opposite the place where the seismic waves are created. What does this indicate?

There is a sudden increase in density, and the material must be liquid because the S-Waves are not passing through it.

There is a sudden decrease in density, and the material must be liquid because the S-Waves are not passing through it.

There is a sudden increase in density due to the change in direction, and the material must be solid.

There is a sudden decrease in density due to the change in direction, and the material must be solid.

79.) Results from seismographs show that P-Waves travel slightly faster through the middle of the core. What does this suggest?

There is a liquid inner core.

There is a solid inner core.

The whole of the core is liquid.

The whole of the core is solid.

80.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about seismic waves passing through the Earth?

S-Waves and P-Waves travel faster in more dense material.

There paths curve because of the increasing density of the mantle and core with depth.

When the density changes suddenly, the waves change direction abruptly.

The increasing density causes reflection.

Mixed bag

81.) When you run up a flight of stairs, you measure your heart rate to be 110 beats per minute. What is the frequency of your heartbeat?





82.) Sound waves travel 330 metres per second in air. How long does it take a sound wave to travel one kilometre?

0.003 seconds.

0.33 seconds.

3.03 seconds.

330 seconds.

83.) Study the diagrams carefully. Which wave diagram correctly shows diffraction?





84.) Study the diagrams carefully. Which one shows the direction that a light ray takes when it passes from air through a rectangular glass block?





85.) Which of the following statements about waves is true?

Radio waves and light waves will travel through a vacuum. Sound waves will not.

Light waves and sound waves will both travel through a vacuum.

Radio waves, light waves and sound waves will all travel through a vacuum.

Sound waves will travel through a vacuum. Radio waves and light waves will not.

86.) Study the graphs carefully. They show how the displacement of air molecules changed with time when different sound waves were passing. The scales are the same for each graph. Which graph shows the sound with the shortest wavelength?





87.) A loudspeaker gives out a note of wavelength 0.66 metres. The speed of sound is 330 metres per second. What is the frequency of the sound?





88.) Which of the following is NOT true for X-rays?

They can easily pass through soft tissue, but not denser material such as bone.

They are stopped by a few millimetres of aluminium.

They can damage healthy cells in the body and cause cancer.

They can have an effect on photographic film.

89.) The time period of a wave is measured to be 0.0125 seconds. What is the frequency of this wave?





90.) From the list below, which type of electromagnetic radiation has the shortest wavelength?

Radio waves.


Ultra Violet rays.

Infrared rays.

91.) Waves on the surface of a pond are observed to travel a distance of 80cm in 3s. If the distance apart of the crests is 5cm, what is the frequency of these waves?





92.) The diagram shows a person at the side of a swimming pool looking down at an object in the water. If he is looking in the direction shown, where does the object appear to be?





93.) The sound from a car horn takes 0.1 seconds to reach a person stood in the road. If sound travels at 330m/s in air, how far away is the person from the car?

0.03 centimetres.

3300 metres.

330 metres.

33 metres.

94.) Which of the instruments listed below is used to detect electromagnetic radiation which has a wavelength between that of infrared and ultra violet radiation?

Radio Receiver.

Geiger Counter.



95.) A drum is hit and an echo is received from a house that is 660 metres away. If the speed of sound in air is 330 metres per second, how long does it take before the echo is heard?

1 second.

2 seconds.

3 seconds.

4 seconds.

96.) Which of the following statements is NOT true about gamma rays?

It is used to kill harmful bacteria in food, so that the food stays fresher for longer.

It is used to sterilise medical instruments by killing the bacteria.

It is used to kill cancer cells in the treatment of cancer.

It will not cause cells to become cancerous.

97.) Study the diagram carefully. It shows the arrangement used for testing a person's eyes at the opticians. The person being tested stands at the position labelled 'P', facing the mirror. The test card is 0.5m behind the person. If the person is 2.5m from the mirror, how far is the image of the test card from this person's eyes?





98.) A boy can hear sounds which range in frequency from 30Hz to 20,000Hz. What is the longest wavelength the boy can hear if the velocity of sound in air is 330m/s?

11 metres.

10.9835 metres.

0.0909 metres.

0.0165 metres.

99.) The graphs show how the displacement of air molecules changed with time when different sound waves were passing. The scales are the same for each graph. Which graph shows the sound with the lowest pitch?





100.) Which of the following statements about ultra violet light is NOT true?

Special ink that can only be seen under ultra violet light can be used for hidden security marks.

Fluorescent tubes have special coatings which absorb UV light and then give out visible light.

It has a longer wavelength than infrared rays.

It may cause skin cancer if over exposed.




