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This is my Science Forces poster that I did in year seven with a girl called maya Forces poster maya and flo This was very easy we just explained what forces were and what they do.
In Spanish in year 8 i wrote about my brother ollie ollie spanish presentation

I wrote about my brother in spanish because he has an interesting charachter. writing this improved my spanish and i enjoyed it.

In year 8 for english i wrote about william shakespear william shakespeare I think he is a very interesting intelligent man and created great improvements in literature today.
In year seven i wrote about thomas edison and benjimin frankin for prep science ben franklin thomas edison They are bpth famous scientists in this world who made great imoprovements to the world.
In year 8 i did an assesment on the tropical rainforest Geography the tropical rainforest This was quite a hard assesment where i have explained what in the world is going wrong
I wrote a fact file about emma watson for RE this year Emma Watson RE I wrote about her because she is a femminist and I support her so she is one of my heros.
I wrote thuis for an assesment in year seven Parvana This was an assesment which was quite easy, we reviewd the book parvana.
I wrote this in year 8 and its about african music African Music assesmnt Ii found all the infomation online and from my music classes it was a long hard assesment