planet_fixers [prototype]
Needs page

Here are the needs that are currently in the planet fixers knowledge base

Here we should attempt to list the needs of humans in order to live fulfilling lives

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Needs present in knowledge base

Need Description
airhumans need air to breathe to enable respiration in the cells of their bodies
waterhumans need regular access to drinking water. in most conditions daily access to water is required for good health though this depends on conditions
foodfood is needed for energy and for other nutrients
restpeople need rest for maintenance of brain and body functions
shelterpeople are not well equipped to survive without shelter except in mild conditions
communitypeople are more motivated when a sense of community is present as it gives their efforts more purpose
moneyMoney or a means of obtaining goods is needed.
shelteru cen dy frem coldnes if u have no get shelter
loveEnter description can die from hertbreak
BenWe need ben. POG