My Portfolio

Hello, reader, and welcome to my e-portfolio- a computing project for my school assessment made to demonstrate what I have learnt thoughout this topic. It also contains some of my best work from years 7 and 8 as well as a little bit of background information about me.

Click here for all about me!

Below are twelve documents that I have made throughout the past 2 years in subjects such as design technology, computer technology, japanese, drama, religious education, physical education, geography, science and extra curricular days and a few details about how and why they were made.

Details Link
This is an outline of the 'dragster' cars that we made in year seven. In resistant materials (DT), I cut a piece of wood to this shape. Click here for my dragster template
This document shows some of the research that I did as part of my dragster project- the design brief and design development. Click here for my dragster work
I made this e-safety leaflet in CT and it explains what to look out for and do to make sure that you stay safe when on the computer. Click here for my e-safety leaflet
This was a part of a Japanese assessment project and has information on the traditional japanese entertainers that are geishas. Click here for information on geishias
At the begining of this year, we had a topic in drama on greek theatre. Here is my research homework on greek chorus and how it worked. Click here for information on greek theatre
For an RE activity, I made this postcard for my sister with pictures showing various aspects of what is means to be a Sikh. Click here for my gurdwara postcard
This is a document containing information on netball though the ages and was created in Year 7 for our first netball lesson in PE. Click here for information on netball
Last year, I made this as a small part of a geography assessment all about the levels of pollution in different areas in the ocean. Click here for information on ocean pollution
In graphics (Design Technology), we did a project on brands that we could create solving one of the 'six scientific problems'. Here is information on them. Click here for the 'six problems' poster
I wrote this document about 'the Effect of the Angle of Incidence on the Angle of Reflection' for a physics assessment. Click here for my science write up
In Year 7, we had a United Nations day where we were all allocated different countries. I was a representative of the USA- here is my research. Click here for my USA fact file
As part of a geography project on endangered environments, I did some research with my partener, Leila, on what UNESCO does. Click here for my UNESCO research