My CT Portfolio

This is page one of my portfolio on this page i have a list of my work at school most o f this work is DT and from year 7.and on page 2 (link bellow) it will explain my hobbys and things like that.

NOTE:some of the work that i planed to put in this table was on a memory stick that i lost.


link and name



A desgin bref for the year 7 graphics carton project
SIPPP A list to help you get a operable desgin for the carton project
DT evaluation A modist evaluation of the entire carton project
The arctic tundra A geography MYP about the Arctic tundra and how it's under threat
Sir Nicholas Winton A RE prep about the WW2 hero sir Nicholas winton
CT plan A plan for a CT assessment
The particle arrangement A badly put togeher page of science work from year 7

A huge write up of a science experement (this was a MYP)

Link to page 2: link